Thursday 16 December 2021

Tragedies are Blessing in Disguise


Tragedies do occur, shake the nation, break it, test the mettle of a person or nation. It may destroy the nation and wipe the country off the face of the earth or take the nation and a person to the boundless success. Tragedy can be a fatal blow to the identity of a person, community, nationalities or nation.

Atom bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Germany was divided by erecting a wall between east and west Germany, west Germany was divided between, Russia, US and UK, and it was made a virtual brothel and turned it into a camp worse than  Gestapo to inflict atrocities, torture, humiliation and mayhem seeing which even Gestapo would feel shame. But these nations stood high and strong, willing to remake what was lost, shunning mourning and rebuilding past glory they once cherished, success came to them when they showed determination as Milton said in his Paradise Lost:

"What though the field be lost?
All is not lost-the unconquerable will.
And courage never to submit or yield."
The resolve, unconquerable will, never to submit to adversity, never to yield to the tragedy but ever ready to take advantage of the tragedy by taking stock of the situation, analyzing the fault lines, pondering over the divisive issues and difference of opinions which can have serious repercussions, can frame a brighter and silver lining in that adversity and tragedy can become a complete and perfect blessings.
But........... a serious but .... we never desired to have an academic debate, sane discussion, national dialogue on the issue eroding the societal fabric.

Quoting Milton again "doing or suffering" "To be weak is miserable" the choice makes all the difference. it depends upon our choice to keep on "suffering" or to make a resolve to change ourselves by "Doing". The weak are bound to suffer. Its solely our choice to be weak as we are not prone to work and are a blind followers. our shepherd has gone astray and leading us towards the deep pit and happily we are falling in the trap bound to destroy us. If they are turning the evil into good, it is our sacred duty to foil their attempt and turn all evil into good by educated and informed decision about religion politics, business, society and follow the tenets of our religion and judge all on the touchstone of these tenet rising above the slavish, sectarian, parochial and narrow minded approach.

Man is bound to make his own hell and heaven, others can lead to hell but we are duty bound to make this hell a heaven through commitment and doing our part of the duty.
“wake, arise or be forever fallen.” this is the lesson which we need to learn and secondly 
 “War then war
Open or understood must be resolv’d.

we ought to resolve whatever have been misunderstood, settle the difference, find the culprit who is eating away the body politic, suffocating the religion, and eroding the social, cultural and personal lives of the people.
We know that "the gold has long been rusted" and shepherd has become the wolf but still we have a chance to realize this and rise and make it a livable place. We are still hoping against hope that " the priest must live a holy life if he expects ordinary people to live holy lives" but we should stop accepting it, instead LIVE YOURSELF A HOLY LIVE and MAKE HOLY PRIESTS OF THIS SOCIETY TO LIVE  HOLY LIVES. 

Faiz Mahmood 


  1. 😍 جزاک اللہ خیرا

    فائز صاحب بہت ہی مفید باتیں بیان فرمائیں ہیں آپ نے زندگی میں پیش آنے والی سے سبق سیکھنے اور ترقی حاصل کرنے کے لیے.
    واقعی میں اگر آج کی دنیا کو دیکھا جائے تو اس میں انسان کی انفرادی اور اجتماعی زندگی کی تعمیر تاریخ کے بڑے بڑے حادثات کے نتیجے میں بکھرنے والے تباہ کن ملبے سے ہی ہوئی ہے.

    اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کے علم میں اضافہ فرمائیں، جاری رکھیں 🤗

    1. Wonderful analysis in every respect. We as a Nation believe in slogans and useless rhetoric. We do not have the will to work and the determination to shine. Milton is right some people or Nations decide to select " Hell" 4
      themselves. We love history but do not love to learn lessons from history. The analysis is a must-read bcoz it highlights our psychological reluctance and physical lethargy to fight the battle of life

  2. Thank you very much.
    Loved to read your encouraging comments.


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