Saturday 25 December 2021

The Quaid e Azam


The Quaid- e - Azam
Every year we mark the birth anniversary of our beloved Quaid with fervor, festivity, pomp and show at least on television and by illuminating governmental buildings. He is the person who carved out a nation state out of nothing, who made a nation and gave them an identity. These were the outstanding efforts which he put in. History has presented before us many an examples of founding fathers but could not present before us one Quaid e Azam, because he is an example in himself. 

He presented before the world an example wherein a person along with a community can achieve a land without resorting to any kind of protest, bloody encounters, and jail. He was a constitutionalist who believes in the rule of law and lawful struggle to achieve his goal for his nation. He said and i quote,
"We have undoubtedly achieved Pakistan, and that too without bloody war, practically peacefully, by moral and intellectual force, and with the power of the pen, which is no less mighty than that of the sword and so our righteous cause has triumphed. Are we now going to besmear and tarnish this greatest achievement for which there is no parallel in the history of the world? Pakistan is now a fait accompli and it can never be undone, besides, it was the only just, honourable, and practical solution of the most complex constitutional problem of this great subcontinent. Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation...”
He believed in the power of education, struggle, unwavering commitment, selfless service and honesty in every field of life. He was of the opinion that we can prove ourselves to be worthy of our glorious past only if we match these efforts in present and show all those qualities which they have shown in the past, then we can get the same position in the comity of nations which once was ours. if we want to reclaim that we should, quoting his words, “Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realize our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.”
He believes in research, technology and modern education and its application are the only weapons which can help us stand high in the world, he said and I quote, “There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two."
History may have produced many leaders but have not witnessed many visionaries, the few it has witnessed, the Quaid stands above all. His speeches are as relevant today as these were in the forties of twentieth century. His analysis and solution was as apt today as it were before, during and at the independence of the country.
he wishes to have a country where we all could, “live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.” Unfortunately nothing of these happen in our land of the pure, we made it impure by our own doings. we were earlier a slave to foreign establishment, now are slave to our own indigenous establishment, corrupt politician, suffocating education system which hinders creative role of education and builds a nation of degree seekers, where innovation, independent thinking and modern approach are strangulated, where difference of opinion deems worth of gallows, where Islam is in danger not from the hands of the pagans but from the hands of the Muslims themselves, where critical thinking is a crime, where students are in the race for percentage instead of quality education, where officers and politicians stash looted money in safe havens, where businessmen' only wish is to make money, where corporate social responsibility is unheard of, where hoarding is not a sin, where governments facilitates the plunderers, where crimes meet no punishment, where judiciary does everything besides dispensation of justice, where rule of law is still a far cry.
we will go on celebrating Quaid's Day but can not make a true Islamic, Democratic land unless we do what as a Muslim and Pakistan we are required to do.



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